Anyone who knows me knows that I am cloth diaper obsessed, specifically AppleCheeks cloth diapers. Cloth diapering is NOT what it used to be in our Mother's and Grandmother's time. Cloth diapering has come a looong way and has become a huge movement for reasons that are easy to understand; they are cost effective, environmentally friendly, very fashion forward, and highly collectible, and believe it or not cloth diapers actually have re-sale value - can you say any of that about disposables?
This post is not to sell you on cloth, because frankly I think they sell themselves, but to share with you my experience of taking our beloved AppleCheeks with us on vacation.
I will admit to you that before I faced my fear of travelling with our cloth diapers, I always used disposables for travel. My fear was lugging around a bag of poopy cloth in our car, or carry-on bag, or diaper bag. I used to think it was just easier to pack a few disposables and throw them away so I didn't have to deal with carrying the mess around. BUT then we were experiencing blow-out after blow-out in disposables, and well, I ended up having to pack extra sets of clothing, and carry around the poopy clothes anyway - which was more cumbersome than a couple of dirty diapers.
So I took the leap and decided to pack up our diapers for a recent trip to the Caribbean.
I Packed 15 covers in one wet bag, and 15 inserts in another wet bag. I had 2 in our diaper bag and left with 1 on our girls' bottom.
I also brought 1 large wet bag along to catch the dirty diapers at our destination as needed.
18 diapers in total considering 1 wash cycle got us through the week with ease. As long as I have access to a washing machine were I'm headed, cloth diapering is a no-brainer now. It so so easy.
And I don't mind saying that I think she was the cutest baby on the beach. That cute little number is called Appletini by AppleCheeks cloth diapers; she had her cocktail, and I had mine ;)
If I wasn't sold on the whole thing after going through the week with such ease, I was certainly sold after a question from another mom on the flight home. She asked, "how on earth did you find everything for your baby on the island? did you have trouble?". My response? "I breastfeed and cloth diaper, I didn't need a thing!"
Want to try out AppleCheeks cloth diapers???
Follow us on Instagram for your chance to win 1 of 2 Little Bamboo Bundles from the AppleCheeks Easter release: First Crush and Crazy Love